Sunday, December 13, 2015


Work continues on with my collaboration on Cartwheels & Halos, the autobiography of pioneering stunt woman, actress and singer-songwriter Marneen Lynne Fields, which I am currently cowriting along with Marneen. It is hard work and there have certainly been some challenges, with many more to come no doubt as we progress, but the collaborative process I am experiencing and enjoying with Marneen has provided a wonderful synchronicity that I never thought I would find, especially in a project of this size. Getting to know Marneen through the initial development, and now the actual writing, of this book has provided me not only with a tremedously interesting writing project, but an enrichment of my own self that I will always appreciate. She is a true muse and a soul mate who never fails to make me smile.

Here's a low-res sneak peek at the proposed cover for our book. The back cover blurb will eventually change prior to publication, for now we are keeping some of the stories and surprising developments in the book under wraps.

Facebook users can follow the progress of the book over on the dedicated FB page at: